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How does a Ménage à trois sound with two girlfriends who also love playing together? Here is a list of my gorgeous friends with who I offer duos or trios if you feel adventurous...

The following duo rates are for Montreal.


On tour or for a FMTY, duo rates are different. Please visit my donation page here. Donations are mine (times two) or will match whoever holds the highest rate.


Ella D'amour

A brunette bombshell that will make heads turn wherever she goes. A real life Barbie!

1,5 hour | 1600$

2 hours | 2000$

3 hours | 2700$

4 hours | 3200$

Capture d’écran, le 2023-06-09 à 19.34.31.png

Jennifer Love 

A classy, gorgeous and funny lady with who fun and sensuality are met. 

2 hours | 2000$

3 hours | 2700$

4 hours | 3200$


Angela Thompson

A beautiful blonde who will charm and seduce you by her soft and romantic aura. 

1,5 hour | 1600$

2 hours | 2000$

3 hours | 2700$

4 hours | 3200$

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